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The lives of 2 blonds and a brunette.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Bring on the Embarrassing Pictures!

Inspired by my last post, where I posted embarrassing photos of Harry, I thought it might be fun to show some embarrassing pictures of both of us. (Yes, Harry will now have been hit twice, but it's all in good fun!) These will be those pictures of us when we were little that, when you look back at old albums, you hope will never see the light of day... let alone be posted on the internet. Check them out!

Here you see Clay and I doing the hula one day when we were home sick.
I think my knee socks are hot; and Clay is rocking those sunglasses.

Harry and I call this pose the "praying mantis". We don't know what he was doing, but it sure was weird.

I know what you are thinking... "What's weird about this photo? Mer, that looks pretty accurate." Well actually, those are bocce balls. Scary how this picture taken in 1986 could predict the future.

Now, this picture could make you feel sorry for Harry; but no, his parents didn't do this to him... he did this to himself. Yep, he enjoyed cramming himself into milk crates and making a cage.

I think more than anything these pictures make both Harry and I realize how lucky we are to have each other. I think it is pretty obvious that we are both freaks and it's amazing that we found anybody to marry either one of us.

I encourage our fellow bloggers to look back at some embarrassing photos and create a post similar to ours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am planning on posting my picture this evening...keep an eye out :)