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The lives of 2 blonds and a brunette.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Tonight, I am angry. I am angry because my brother was supposed to be coming home within the next few weeks, but instead the army decided to keep him in Afghanistan for another 4 months. I am angry because Clay packed up all of his belongings to prepare to come home (because before today he thought he was leaving Afghanistan next week) and now he has to unpack. I am angry because last Friday Karen went to a redeployment meeting to prepare for Clay's homecoming, and tonight she had to return to Fort Drum to hear about the next 4 months. I am angry because our president didn't realize that no exit strategy for Iraq was a problem. I am angry because Clay's unit isn't the only unit to have their deployment extended. I am angry because soldiers are dying every day, 25 in Iraq on Saturday, and most of America doesn't even notice. I am angry and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Angry is a good word....

In all seriousness, I am doing okay. The shock is beginning to wear off and now the reality is setting in. I am frustrated beyond belief and the soldiers over there are even more so...what a situation....