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The lives of 2 blonds and a brunette.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Fish Tacos and Improv

A weird post title, right? Well, weird or not, it is a perfect description of our evening here in Charlotte.

Tonight, Russ (Harry's cousin), Bobby (one of Harry's best friends since he was little), Harry, and I went out for a night on the town. We headed into Charlotte and ate at Cabo Fish Taco. I was a little sketchy about fish tacos. The name alone makes me giggle and I am just not THAT big of a fish fan. Lucky for me, they had other cuisine; but Russ, Bobby, and Harry all said that the fish tacos were awesome.

After dinner we all went to the SK Netcafe. It is a small coffee shop in Charlotte (near Central Piedmont Community College) that also doubles as a bar/comedy club on nights and weekends. Tonight there was a small group of 5 locals that work as an improv group. They were hilarious! My favorite part of the evening was when the comics took 3 ordinary tasks and changed 3 things about the tasks; then one person from the audience (a friend of the comics) had to guess the task and the 3 things changed. The comics weren't allowed to talk, only act out the changed tasks. The first task was curling. Instead of curling with a stone, they acted out curling with kittens (my suggestion), using a hockey stick instead of brooms, and on watermelon Jell-O (also my suggestion). The second task was rodeo roping. Instead of a lasso handcuffs were used, instead of lassoing a bull the comics had to act out lassoing Michael Jackson dressed as Santa Claus, and instead of this taking place in an arena it took place on an iceberg. The final task was spelunking using a stripper pole instead of a repelling rope, wearing Brittney Spears instead of a harness, and the comics were repelling into a cosmic black hole instead of a cave. Somehow, the comics were able to act this out with such accuracy that the audience member was able to guess all 3 tasks with all 3 changes in just 6 minutes!!

If you have not seen an improv group, I highly suggest it. Just be ready to throw out some great suggestions when needed.

We didn't get any pictures tonight, so I figured I would post some pictures of the guys when they were kids so you could see who everybody was (and embarrass them, too).

Here you see Russ (on the left) and Harry (on the right) having a gay old time, literally.

Here you see (from left to right) Harry, Trey (another one of Harry's friends from when he was little), Russ, and Bobby.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Looks like fun...we will have to go there next time you're in town.

Clay and I were talking yesterday and we were throwing around the idea of you guys meeting us in DC one weekend in April...it could be fun :)