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The lives of 2 blonds and a brunette.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Martha's Baby Shower

Yesterday I threw a baby shower for Martha to celebrate Luke's arrival. We had a ton of fun, good food, almost 30 guests, and Martha got some really nice gifts. Check out the pictures of our shower.

This was our food table. As you might be able to tell, we had a TON of food. Mom brought champagne salad, bacon wrapped sausages, deviled eggs, shrimp cocktail, and sweet bread. Jean Ann (Edward's mom) brought a vegetable tray and spinach dip. I contributed chocolates (molded into bears, baby buggies, and baby booties), the punch, mints, and the flowers on the table. Everything was delicious (except the tulips, we didn't eat those).

Here you see the ladies eating and getting ready to open presents. As you can see there was a ton of loot for Martha to open.

A lot of the guests had husbands deployed to Iraq, or their husbands were working at the hospital (so Edward could be with us to celebrate) so we also had a lot of baby guests. Madison was thrilled because this turned into one giant play date. Here you see Madison and some of her friends (and their moms) partying out on the deck.

One of the funniest things at the shower was watching Edward run the daddy daycare in the backyard. Here you see him entertaining 4 girls on the swing-set. He had 3 of them swinging at the same time while Madison was climbing up the rock wall and sliding down the slide (she was taking a juice break at the time the picture was taken.

We all partied pretty hard yesterday; especially the parties 2 youngest guests, Sammy (who is 6 weeks old) and Catherine (who is 9 weeks old).

1 comment:

Madison, Luke, and Alexander said...

Aunt Mer,
Thank you for throwing Mommy such a beautiful shower! I had a blast and hope all baby showers are this much fun. It was great seeing you this weekend, and hopefully, I'll see you soon. Thanks for all the homemade candy; it was yummy!