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The lives of 2 blonds and a brunette.

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Turning Two

It has been almost 2 years since Alaina was born. It seems hard to believe! Time sure does fly and our little lady is getting bigger every day. Today we had Alaina's birthday party and we were blessed to have family and friends with us to celebrate.

Balloons! I love balloons!

Alaina and Austin at her water table. Austin is the son of Alaina's nanny, Stephanie. The water table was one of Alaina's birthday gifts from Harry and me. 

Alaina also got a big wheel from grandma and grandpa. 

Minnie Mouse was the theme of the party so Alaina had a chocolate Minnie cake and pink frosted yellow cupcakes. She didn't eat either (Alaina won't try cake) so the cookie bow was for her.

She also got a bike helmet from us that she insisted that she wear to blow out her candles. 

Harry and me (dressed in our Clemson colors)

Our cool (almost) 2 year old.
Her actual birthday is on Monday, September 10. Happy Birthday, sweet Alaina!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like it was quite the party. I am sorry we missed it. Happy Birthday Alaina!
