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The lives of 2 blonds and a brunette.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Elementary School Dance

Today was a day that children at my school love, and I tolerate. We were supposed to start out the day like a normal Friday; however, today we were to have our Valentine's Day parties. Then, this evening, the school had the first ever Valentine's Day dance. Although Harry and I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day (a nice homemade dinner with no cards or presents works for us) I think it is a great holiday for kids. Just remember back to your elementary school days. The excitement of filling out your foil Valentines, creating your Valentine bag, and then reading all your Valentines. What a great day for kids!

This evening, Harry and I treated ourself to the elementary school dance. It was utter chaos! About 400 kindergarten though fifth grade students, full of sugar, dancing like there is no tomorrow (you haven't really lived until you see a group of kindergartens dancing like they are pros). I know I was overwhelmed when I walked in to the dance, so I can't imagine Harry's feelings. As a teacher at the school, the second I walked in the door I was surrounded by kids (and parents) hugging me. When Harry and I finally made our way over to the area of the cafeteria where my fifth graders were dancing, we were immediately surrounded by 15-20 screaming boys and girls trying to hug us all at once. Since it is impossible for 15-20 kids to hug you at once many of them just settled for hugging the kids that were hugging us (Harry likened it to a laying on of hands at church). The kids were all very impressed with Harry's height. Overall, we had a great time. It's wonderful to see kids really enjoying themselves (even if it does overwhelm us at times)!

1 comment:

Karen said...

That sounds really cute!