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The lives of 2 blonds and a brunette.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Snakes on a Plane!!

Tonight Harry and I saw "Snakes on a Plane" starring Samuel L. Jackson and Julianna Margulies (formally a star of "ER"). It was AWFUL, and we LOVED it!!! I have made it no secret that I love horrible movies. I actually own "Deep Blue Sea" (another Samuel L. Jackson train wreck) and have been know to watch really bad movies on Sunday afternoon ("Anaconda" or "Python vs. Boa" just to name a few). I am so happy to say that "Snakes on a Plane" did not disappoint my craving for really bad movies. Many people do not appreciate my love of horrible movies. Mostly I don't think that they understand what makes a really bad movie great. When bad movies are a quadruple threat, then they are GREAT movies. These are the requirements for a great bad movie... First, it must include horrible acting. Second, it must have an impossible plot. Third, it has to be filled with scientific inaccuracies (or historic inaccuracies). Fourth, it needs to have pathetic computer graphics. If the movie you are watching includes all four of the above, it is a GREAT bad movie.

Some of my favorite scenes from "Snakes on a Plane" would include: First, the couple in the bathroom joining the "mile high club" are the first to get attacked. The woman is actually bitten on the nipple. Second, the man going to the bathroom gets bitten by a snake in a "sensitive area" by a snake coming out of the toilet. Third, the annoying jerk from first class that feeds a dog to a python, then himself gets attacked by the python and swallowed in a matter of seconds (BIG scientific inaccuracy, it would take a snake hours to devour a human, and the snake would be of record size). Finally, when Samuel L. Jackson rallies the passengers and says he's tired of the mother f***ing snakes on this mother f***ing plane and devises a plan to get the snakes off the plane. What a great bad movie!!

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