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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

No, really?!?!?!

Web MD posted the top 9 jobs where bacteria thrive. Of course teacher is number one. To this I ask, really? Gee, I'm suffering from my second cold in 3 weeks; I guess it's not a coincidence! Here are the other 8...
1. Teacher
2. Accountant
3. Banker
4. Radio DJ
5. Doctor
6. Television producer
7. Consultant
8. Publicist
9. Lawyer
Here's something scary: janitor and garbage collector are NOT on the list. So, I guess that means that my 20 second graders have MORE bacteria than a city's garbage OR a building full of people. Excellent!
Another scary point: Teachers are number 1, but the worst paid. Well, as people always say, we aren't in it for the money. What I say, no we aren't, but it sure as hell would be nice to be paid for our hard (and bacteria ridden) work.

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