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The lives of 2 blonds and a brunette.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Bizarre Bunnies

On a recent trip to Target, Harry and I noticed that there are a lot of interesting chocolate Easter Bunnies out this year. Anybody that knows Harry knows how much he loves chocolate bunnies, so he found this trip extremely fun. Take a look at the Target stock... (the pictures were taken on my camera phone so forgive the quality)

First of all, the "Reester Bunny". He looks delicious.

Our friend "Hare E. Hoppsalot". I had to point him out because he reminds me of my Harry.

This is "Too Tall Bunny". If you notice his ears are sticking out of the top of the box. He also has a speech bubble that says "Opps, I'm too tall for the box!"

And finally my favorite, "Diva Da' Bunny". She comes complete with "Bling Bling!" according to the box. She is ghetto fabulous!

On an unrelated note, while emailing myself the above pictures from my phone, I found a picture of another horrible movie that Harry and I found at Blockbuster.

Oh yes, it is Gary Busey in "The Gingerbread Man". I hope Clay sees this, he loves Gary Busey, and from the looks of the box, he'd probably love this movie. How could you not??


Anonymous said...

your hands are very nice, much prettier than my man hands...

Harry and Mer said...

Thanks Karen-
All my friends said I was a sissy for getting a manicure, but at last it has paid off.